Thursday 14 June 2012

Growing participation - retention is the key

A key factor in the growth of clubs, and indeed the success of any sporting organisation, is the ability to retain existing club players.

Whilst many sports are focused on the attraction of "new players" to the game it is arguably more important that their existing player group are participating in environments that encourage them to stay (a basic model is provided below).

Anecdotal evidence suggests that clubs lose between 70-80% of their players each season. In effect junior clubs are totally replacing their playing numbers every 4-5 years !

So what are the key factors affecting retention and what can be done to keep more people in the game?

Key Factors
Coaching: Do players have fun and become more skilled?
Facilities: Are the training and playing conditions of a high quality?
Attachment to the elite: Do players have a chance to connect with hero's?
Game Formats: Are there formats in place that ensure maximum participation?
Club Adminsitration: Is the club well run and organised?
Costs: Is the cost of playing appropriate?
Benefits Packs: Are the additional benefits the player recieves quality?

It is important that sports look holisitically at the factors above rather than addressing just one in isolation.

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